Monday, May 3, 2010

Better Late Than Never

I wasn't going to enter the Nicholl competition this year.  I hadn't been focused about doing a polish on the script I'd thought I'd submit and I didn't feel like I had the time to do it justice.  I went out to a movie on Saturday night and put the whole thing behind me.


When I went online Sunday, I read that the application site had undergone some major outages the night before and that the submission deadline had been extended.

The regret I'd been suppressing won out.  I took a look at my last draft and found it tighter than I'd remembered.  I made the additional changes I'd wanted to make, read the script through again and made the PDF.

The extended deadline was 3 PM Eastern time.  As I uploaded the script, I saw the clock on my computer switch from 2:59 to 3:00.  

I would have felt bad over the next year if I hadn't gotten one in there, but I think next time I'll shoot for the early deadline.