Monday, May 3, 2010

Better Late Than Never

I wasn't going to enter the Nicholl competition this year.  I hadn't been focused about doing a polish on the script I'd thought I'd submit and I didn't feel like I had the time to do it justice.  I went out to a movie on Saturday night and put the whole thing behind me.


When I went online Sunday, I read that the application site had undergone some major outages the night before and that the submission deadline had been extended.

The regret I'd been suppressing won out.  I took a look at my last draft and found it tighter than I'd remembered.  I made the additional changes I'd wanted to make, read the script through again and made the PDF.

The extended deadline was 3 PM Eastern time.  As I uploaded the script, I saw the clock on my computer switch from 2:59 to 3:00.  

I would have felt bad over the next year if I hadn't gotten one in there, but I think next time I'll shoot for the early deadline.


Tom said...

Finally got the confirmation letter from the Nicholl folks, looks like they got about 6300 submissions this year. Crazy. Good luck to you if you've entered.

Thomas Rufer said...

Good luck to you. It's kinda crappy if you don't feel your script is polished enough to enter. It is a good thing to be critical about one's work but that doesn't mean to miss out at another opportunity.