Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stuff I Like This Week

Liking this poster a lot. Seeing Karen Allen on a movie poster again is a gas.

Seeing Watchmen on the big screen will be sort of a cheat, I think, as the intended and most effective venue for this story are the pages of a comic book. However, that doesn't mean I'm not eager as all hell to check it out when it finally arrives a year from now.

I haven't seen any films that Amy Adams has been in, and that includes every movie on her IMDB page, but I did see her performing at the Oscars and then on this past weekend's Saturday Night Live, and that girl is pretty talented. My mark of a good SNL host is when a sketch seems like only they could pull it off, and everything she did seemed like only she could pull it off.

Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Sue finally get revenge.

And finally, this:

Billy Crystal gets a one-day contract with the Yankees.

I'm no Yankee fan, but I am a Billy Crystal fan and this sounds like a great way to celebrate your 60th birthday. Show 'em where you live, Billy.

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