Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Stuff I Like This Week

I'm going to keep it simple this week and just recommend one thing that I like: The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. I finally watched this on DVD and to say it is involving and entertaining is an understatement. I'll tell you straight that this documentary works just as well as the good-for-society docs that win major awards do. I found it as compelling and full of insight into American society as Roger & Me and The Thin Blue Line, films I've respected as great contemporary documentaries.

What I'm curious to see is the approach the in-the-works feature version of this story will take. One of the virtues of the doc is how it depicts the extraordinary measures a handful of people actually took against a perceived outsider. If these same measures are taken by characters we know to be portrayed by actors, I wonder if they'd have the same impact. I'd be curious to see the screenplay (currently being penned by actor/writer Michael Bacall).

The accuracy of the doc (as it always seems to happen) is being questioned as people in the film are coming out to tell their own sides, but you can't discount the central conflict between these two gamers with different personalities: one wants to be the king of Donkey Kong, the other wants to remain king of the insular world of gamernerds he's ruled for 25 years.

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